technical versus soft skills

Technical versus ‘soft skills’ in high risk industries

The rise of non-technical skills in high risk industries In 1989 a Midland Boeing 737 crashed into the embankment of the M1 near Kegworth, Leicestershire. It left 47 passengers dead and 74 seriously injured. Later investigations showed that the pilot had mistakenly shut down the working engine instead of the one that was on fire. […]

Gender Pay imbalance? D&I ‘proof’ your recruitment process.

What impact will Gender Pay Reporting have on the organisations required to publish their figures? Where significant pay imbalances are exposed there will be understandable concern about the attendant publicity. In the short term the focus is on the numbers. But the real value of the exercise lies in the narrative that organisations use to explain […]

Future-proof your recruitment strategy with salary benchmarking

It can be tough recruiting in a market where there is only a small pool of qualified and available talent. Harder still, once you have a team of talented employees, to retain them in a competitive market place. Information and knowledge is key – and that’s where highly targeted and focused salary benchmarking can offer […]

GDPR, recruitment data

GDPR – Implications for employers and recruiters

The new GDPR guidelines which come into effect on 25th May 2018 will impact everybody working in recruitment. What is the GDPR? GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation will replace the current Data Protection Act and is a new piece of EU legislation which seeks to strengthen and unify data protection for individuals in the […]


What’s storytelling got to do with safety professionals?

Perhaps the ability to ‘storytell’ isn’t the first skill that springs to mind when you are hiring your safety team? Technical competencies and relevant industry experience tend to be top of the job requirement list for senior safety professionals. And that’s not surprising. Organisations need to be compliant, manage risk effectively, reduce serious incidents and […]

rejecting candidates

Rejecting candidates isn’t easy, but it’s important.

Most of us have experienced rejection at some point in our lives. It’s not pleasant. When it happens it doesn’t feel like there’s an upside. It just feels personal and can hit us at our very core. It’s perhaps not much of a surprise then to discover that the experience of a rejection, activates the […]

How to interview with emotional intelligence

Everyone is recruiting for Emotional Intelligence these days. It’s not surprising given some of the persuasive evidence that high emotional intelligence is a strong indicator of potential. Type EI or EQ into google, and you will find plenty of  research demonstrating why someone’s emotional abilities has an impact on their behaviour at work. Few would argue […]

Mentoring, mentor

Mentoring helps great companies attract top talent

What factors do candidates weigh up when considering a job offer? Salary? of course, the role? certainly – but just as important is the opportunity to grow. One of the most frequently asked questions by candidates when we recruit for a client is: ‘what will this employer do to support my career development?’ This requires […]


Losing top talent because your recruitment process is too slow?

We’ve all been there. We find the perfect candidate – their CV is a fantastic fit. If only you could get it under the nose of the right person, it would be a hole in one. And then it gets a little stuck. The CV sits in an inbox for a while. Maybe a week […]